
Nov 29, 2011

Don't get caught with faded makeup

RX for Brown Skin for African American skin care products

Ladies, there's nothing worse than spending time making sure that your African American skin care product looks perfect only to find your makeup has faded an hour after you leave the house. With the winter winds coming up, it's important to know how to keep your foundation in place when the weather is getting out of control. offered some suggestions for how to keep your look going throughout those long, cold days.

First, the beauty news provider recommends using a primer under foundation to help your liquid or powder stick to the face. Second, the site suggested patting the skin lightly with your hands after applying makeup to ensure that everything is getting absorbed.

Maire Claire also has some helpful tips for applying makeup that lasts all day long.

"Layering is the key to lasting makeup.The most important thing when applying the layers is to have a light touch. This keeps your look fresh and natural. The first layer - cream or liquid foundation - should be applied with a sponge in order to thin it out," said the news source.

The news provider added that although it's important to layer, be sure to smooth everything out to avoid getting a "makeup mask" look.  

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