suggestions for how to cut out redness
First, like many other experts, Strober-Gora warned against using cheap makeup brushes. You want to buy high-quality brushes and take proper care of them, since these tools can be a haven for germs and bacteria.
Next, she explained that people who experience redness in their skin and want to even their tone should try using a violet-colored foundation primer. While many go for green to cut out redness, this doesn't always work for everyone. Strober-Gora said that if you've have trouble with green in the past, then give violet a try.
Discovery Health states that people who want to even out their skin tone should exfoliate.
"Many inconsistencies in your skin may be the result of dead skin cells that haven't been shed yet and exfoliation helps speed up that process. Making sure your outer layer of skin cells is healthy and new will help you look and feel better," according to the news source.
Finally, Strober-Gora said if you've been looking for the right brown eyeliner but they all appear to orange, look for ones with a violet-base.
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