
Showing posts with label Skin Care How Tos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin Care How Tos. Show all posts

Nov 22, 2012

The Don'ts of monthly breakouts

It’s that time of the month. You have cramps, you feel bloated and moody and now your skin is breaking out. If your period is served up with a side of acne every month, here are some don’ts to help you reduce breakouts.

Don’t Over-Cleanse
Over-cleansing can actually cause excess drying and skin irritation. Washcloths can be abrasive and easily spread bacteria. Your best bet is to use a gentle, non-soap cleanser that’s made specifically for acne-prone skin and to wash your face with your bare hands, twice daily.

Don’t Pop Pimples
Popping your pimples can push bacteria deeper into the skin, causing infection, skin discoloration or even a scar. It’s wiser to apply appropriate treatment and wait it out.

DON’T Use Soap
Keeping skin hydrated is one key to preventing acne. The drying action of most soap bars can strip your skin of much-needed moisture. Use a mild cleanser, preferably on that was designed specifically for acne-prone skin. Gentle cleansing is exactly what your skin needs to retain moisture, fight off acne-causing bacteria and reduce irritation.

DON’T Overload Your Skin With Products
There can be a tendency to get into a “try everything” mode when you’re suffering an intense breakout. Fight the urge. The ingredients in different acne treatments can cause irritation when mixed together. Don’t let dueling ingredients fight it out on your skin.

Nov 2, 2012

Beauty foods: Your grocery list for great skin

In addition to using the best skin care, good nutrition can go a long way to maintaining your skin’s health and beauty. Here are eight excellent foods packed with skin-friendly nutrients.

Almonds are one of the few foods that provide high levels of Vitamin E, a nutrient with rich oils that moisturize dry skin to prevent dull, ashy-looking skin.

Avocadoes contain EFAs like Omega-3 and Omega-6. As is the case with salmon, avocadoes help keep skin well-hydrated and radiant.

Berries are packed with antioxidants that protect against the specific free radicals that damage skin. Some of the best berries include blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and cranberries.

Green tea
Because of its anti-inflammatory effects and high antioxidant content, green tea is a wonderful food for the skin. The leaf of green tea is especially potent at guarding against sun-related skin issues like hyperpigmentation.

Mangoes have more than 80% of your daily requirements for vitamin A, a nutrient critical to the repair and maintenance of skin cells. Vitamin A is especially important to help prevent skin dryness and flaking.

Fungi are rich in riboflavin, a B vitamin involved in skin cell maintenance and repair. The riboflavin in mushrooms helps prevent scars and skin discoloration associated with acne.

Salmon is high in EFAs (essential fatty acids) such as Omega-3. EFAs are called “essential” because they are not made by the body and must be consumed through the diet. Omega-3 and other EFAs help to reduce inflammation in the body and skin, as well as keep skin hydrated, soft and smooth.

Whole grains
Whole grains contain high levels of B-vitamins, which assist with skin’s renewal processes. B-vitamins are involved in the production of new skin cells that replace old, worn-out or dead cells during a process known as cellular turnover.

Tip: Whenever possible, choose whole fruits over fruit juices, since you will get all the healthy vitamins and antioxidants without the added sugars found in most fruit juices.