
Nov 30, 2011

Websites offer skin care tips for the girl on the go

RX for Brown Skin for African American skin care products

Ladies, ever wake up in the morning and realize you only have five minutes to get out the door? When this happens, many women think they have to skip their skin care routine, but this isn't true. There are plenty of ways to make sure that skin is looking fresh and healthy without spending an hour in front of the mirror. 

First, suggests picking a good multi-tasking product that can serve two skin care purposes. For example, foundations with added SPF for sun protection or moisturizers for dry skin can help you skip an extra step in the morning.

Next, the site recommended focusing on one area of the face that people are more likely to notice as you go about your day.

"One such example refers to having perfectly groomed eyebrows. This step can make your eyes look bigger without the use of eyeliners, they create a polished imagine instantly and even eliminate the need for heavily structured makeup styles allowing your skin to breathe better," according to the site. suggests that no matter how little time you have, it's important to wash your face. While your African American skin care product may feel so light you're tempted to keep it on overnight, washing your face keeps makeup from clogging the pores.  

Happy Living and Dr. Susan Taylor discuss African American skin care

RX for Brown Skin for African American skin care

Magazines can bombard women with images of actresses with perfect skin - which is usually the result of Photoshop or ridiculous amounts of make up and not what they truly look like. While truly flawless skin may only exist on babies, there are many African American skin care products and tips that can help you look your best. 

Happy Living magazine offers some suggestions for African American women who are trying to compete with the latest Photoshopped images. First, the news provider suggested that healthy skin leads to beautiful skin, so it's important to use sunscreen.

"Black women, especially of the darker skin tones, often believe they don't need to use sunscreen since blacks rarely complain of sunburn, but this is false. Black skin also needs protection from the damaging rays of the sun," according to Happy Living.

The beauty site also recommends using a moisturizer that is meant for your specific needs, such as dry or oily skin or acne.

Dermatologist Susan Taylor reminds African American women who visit her website that brown skin should have a naturally warm, glowing complexion. You should only use products that you believe are enhancing your natural beauty.  

Nov 29, 2011

Don't get caught with faded makeup

RX for Brown Skin for African American skin care products

Ladies, there's nothing worse than spending time making sure that your African American skin care product looks perfect only to find your makeup has faded an hour after you leave the house. With the winter winds coming up, it's important to know how to keep your foundation in place when the weather is getting out of control. offered some suggestions for how to keep your look going throughout those long, cold days.

First, the beauty news provider recommends using a primer under foundation to help your liquid or powder stick to the face. Second, the site suggested patting the skin lightly with your hands after applying makeup to ensure that everything is getting absorbed.

Maire Claire also has some helpful tips for applying makeup that lasts all day long.

"Layering is the key to lasting makeup.The most important thing when applying the layers is to have a light touch. This keeps your look fresh and natural. The first layer - cream or liquid foundation - should be applied with a sponge in order to thin it out," said the news source.

The news provider added that although it's important to layer, be sure to smooth everything out to avoid getting a "makeup mask" look.  

Nov 28, 2011

Websites offer foundation tips for black women

RX for Brown Skin for African American skin care products

African American women want their sin care products for black skin to ehanace their natural tones, not cover them up. This is why it's important to chose cosmetics that work with the skin's natural coloring rather than against it. offers some tips for choosing the foundation color that looks best on you. 

First, the beauty news source says you have to look beyond the surface and at undertones instead.

"For instance, rich ebony complexions often have cool undertones (look for colors in the blue family). Brown and caramel complexions may have warmer undertones (look for golden colors)," stated Care Fair.

After you've chosen the color that works with you skin tone, offers some suggestions for applying it properly.

The site recommends applying it evenly over your whole face using a wet sponge or your fingers. Using two different shades is ok, but it's important that they are blended evenly. Finally, be sure to use very little as you go along. You can always add more foundation if you need it, but removing it means you have to start all over again.