The National Institutes of Health states that melanin is a natural substance that gives skin its color. Melanin can also help protect the skin from the sun, which can lead to fewer signs of aging. African Americans have more melanin, which can make them look younger and keep skin from having as many wrinkles. This doesn't mean African Americans don't have signs of aging, however, and Dr. Susan Taylor discusses these on the website brownskin.net.
The first sign of aging Taylor mentioned is skin roughness. As we get older, our skin loses its smooth texture.To combat this, Taylor recommends that African Americans use topical agents that are designed to treat dry, rough skin.
Next, Taylor discussed dermatosis papulosa nigra, which are benign growths that occur in African American skin as it matures. The expert explained that this can happen in both men and women and are caused by a variety of things.
"Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN), a cluster of small seborrheic keratoses, are prominently located on the faces of both African American men and women. They are small, brown or black bumps that are sometimes mistaken for moles. It is felt that a combination of heredity, aging and exposure to the sun are factors in the development of DPNs," said Taylor.
The simplest way to combat many signs of aging is with the right African American skin care product, which can give skin back its youthful, healthy glow.
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