Now that spring is here, it may be a good time to schedule a visit with your dermatologist to make sure that your African American skin is in top shape. Recently, NorthJersey.com spoke to dermatologist David Bonney, who offered his tips on what you can do to make sure that your skin stays in good condition during the upcoming spring and summer months.
First, the doctor said that it's important to moisturize and wear sunscreen every day, regardless of what season it is. This is because skin damage accumulates over time, from exposure to UV rays on a regular basis.
Next, the news source asked the dermatologist how people can tell if a mole on their skin is something they should be concerned about.
"I tell my patients to check for the ABCD's. 'A' is for asymmetry – if it looks very different and isn't round or oval. 'B' is for border irregularity. 'C' is for color. Is it multiple colors? Does it start to get blacker? 'D' is for diameter. Is it growing quickly?" said Bonney, quoted by the news source.
Discovery Health recommends that people visit the dermatologist at least once a year. Depending on the condition of your skin and whether you have a family history of skin cancer, the doctor may suggest you come more often.
A dermatologist can take care of our skin. This is a very informative post. Many people will surely be informed of having a dermatologist to take care of their skin.