
Apr 20, 2012

Liquid vs. Powder: Which foundation works for you?

Rx for Brown Skin for African American skin care


When you're choosing an African American skin care product you might, like many women, wonder if you should go for a powder or a liquid foundation. As with most other makeup choices, this one comes down to your skin type and personal preferences. offers some things to consider while making this decision.

According to the news source, either choice holds the potential to give you a smooth and even look, but it all depends on how you apply the product. Liquid foundation should be applied using a damp sponge or a brush for the best results. If you do use a brush, then be sure to blend well to make sure that you don't leave any spots.

If you have oily skin, then avoid liquid foundations that have a dewy finish, and set the foundation with a translucent powder to avoid shine.

Powder foundation can be applied using a dry sponge, and tends to take less time than liquid. However, women with dry skin should avoid this type of foundation, since it will settle into areas of dryness on the face. recommends using a powder foundation if you have a combination of dry and oily skin because it "allows you to distribute more of the oil-absorbing makeup where you need it and less where you don't, without leaving visible lines."

Apr 19, 2012

Fight off skin's worst enemies

Rx for Brown Skin for African American skin care


If you use the best African American skin care products and moisturize every night, then you are already doing a lot for the health of your complexion. Recently, Hive Health Media ran an article explaining what your skin's worst enemies are and how to protect against them.

First, sun exposure is the number one thing that causes damage to the skin. The National Institutes of Health states that wearing sunscreen and staying out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. is the best way to avoid too much sun.

Second, a diet high in fatty foods can result in unhealthy skin.

"Dull and lifeless skin is a direct indication as to what is going on inside your body.  Fill your diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, healthy fats, and essential fatty acids such as fish or krill oil to ensure that your cells are healthy and strong," according to Hive Health Media.

Finally, pollution can cause a lot of damage to the skin. This is why you should eat foods that contain antioxidants such as pomegranate and green tea, or use African American skin care products that contain these extracts.

Apr 18, 2012

Men are beginning to see the value in African American skin care products

RX for Brown Skin for African American skin care products


Women aren't the only ones who want smooth, even complexions, and men are beginning to catch on that ladies don't just wake up with glowing skin – as looking good often requires African American skin care products.

As such, men's skincare grew by 11 percent between 2010 and 2011, according to research company NPD Group.

However, men seem to struggle figuring out just what products they should be using, as they have trouble identifying what their problem is to begin with.

"Once men know they have a need to fill, their problem-solution orientation will fuel their desire to find products to alleviate their grooming challenges," said Karen Grant, VP and senior global analyst at NPD Group. "They also have to unlearn the idea that the body skin care products they use, such as bar soap and body lotion, works just as well for facial skin."

Men who experience dryness or uneven skin tone – which may appear as dark spots on brown skin – should consider trying African American skin products that contain antioxidant ingredients and hyaluronic acid, which gently helps to lighten discolorations.


Apr 17, 2012

Ways to beat seasonal acne

Rx for Brown Skin for African American skin care


As the seasons change, your skin can change right along with it. While many people know that the winter can cause dry skin, did you know that it can also cause seasonal acne? According to, this can occur when your skin has an allergy or sensitivity to the changing of the seasons.

Recently, Bold Sky published an article explaining some simple ways to combat this particular skin problem.

First, the news source said you should wash your face daily, particularly after coming in from outside since dirt and pollution can clog your pores. You may also want to get an African American skin care product with antioxidant extracts, such as green tea, as these ingredients can protect against harmful free radicals that come from pollution.

Next, Bold Sky said that you should not touch the pimples on your face, as the oil from your hands can transfer to your skin and worsen breakouts.

Finally, try to maintain a healthy diet, as toxins in the body can lead to bad skin and breakouts.