As the seasons change, your skin can change right along with it. While many people know that the winter can cause dry skin, did you know that it can also cause seasonal acne? According to AcneSkinHelp.com, this can occur when your skin has an allergy or sensitivity to the changing of the seasons.
Recently, Bold Sky published an article explaining some simple ways to combat this particular skin problem.
First, the news source said you should wash your face daily, particularly after coming in from outside since dirt and pollution can clog your pores. You may also want to get an African American skin care product with antioxidant extracts, such as green tea, as these ingredients can protect against harmful free radicals that come from pollution.
Next, Bold Sky said that you should not touch the pimples on your face, as the oil from your hands can transfer to your skin and worsen breakouts.
Finally, try to maintain a healthy diet, as toxins in the body can lead to bad skin and breakouts.
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