Before heading into a big meeting, do you check to make sure your African American skin care product is keeping your complexion flawless? If not, then you may be walking into a room full of people who are more distracted by the lipstick on your teeth than the important business you are talking about.
Recently, Skincare-News.com made some suggestions for things you should do before a big meeting.
First, the news source pointed out that those long days in the office can take a toll on the complexion, since workplaces often have dry air. The night before a major meeting, you may want to moisturize and exfoliate to ensure that your skin is fresh.
Next, the beauty website said that you should remember your nails.
"Polished nails are probably the last thing on a woman's mind as she prepares that last PowerPoint slide, but ragged nails and chipped polish are a faux pas in the professional world. Just as a job interview candidate should come into the office with neat, manicured nails, so should a professional woman during any big event," stated the beauty news source.
Finally, be sure to get a good night's sleep and use makeup to cover any dark circles you have under your eyes. While you want it to be clear in your work that you had many sleepless nights coming up with this presentation, you don't want it to show on your face!
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