The holiday season can unfortunately be a time when many people get a cold or the flu. While looking good is usually the last thing on anyone's mind when they're sick, some women still have responsibilities that require them to leave the house when they're not feeling well.
If you're one of these ladies then never fear, your African American skin care product can help you look better than you feel by using a few simple tricks.
Beautylish.com spoke to celebrity makeup artist Jeffery Paul about how to apply makeup to hide the signs of being sick. First, the expert recommended using a concealer underneath the eyes to eliminate dark circles.
“I'll color correct before applying concealer if there’s strong discoloration, but a full-coverage formulation usually does the trick,” said Paul, quoted by the news source.
Paul also suggested using a powder foundation over a thick face balm to prevent makeup from rubbing off when you have to repeatedly use tissues.
DailyMakeover.com suggests doubling up on moisturizer when you have a cold, since beign sick can cause a dry-looking complexion.
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