If you love your African American skin care product, sometimes you might forget that it's important to get new products as the years go on. This is because, just as the rest of your body changes, so does your skin, and the moisturizer that worked when you were in your 20s may not be as effective in your 30s or 40s.
Recently, Sally Penford, education manager at the International Dermal Institute talked to MyPure.com about how as women age they may want to look for products that contain natural ingredients. Luckily, some of the best American American skin care products contain green tea, pomegranate and other natural extracts.
Next, Penford discussed incorporating new products into your regimen as you age.
"You can keep your basic regimen - your cleanser, toner and moisturizer might be suited to your skin type - but then over and above that you can throw in a booster or a serum, a mask or an exfoliant that can adapt as your skin changes," said Penford, quoted by MyPure.
Acne.com also recommends that as women get older they may want to find skin care products with natural ingredients to help them fight off free radicals, which are the types of pollutants people encounter every day that affect the appearance of skin.
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