Winter is in fully blast now, and even if you don't have any snow flakes in your front yard, you may be finding some flakes on your skin due to dry conditions. The cold weather requires you to switch up your skin care routine a bit. It's important to do all you can to protect your skin, since it is the body's number one defense against harmful pathogens.
Recently, the Massachusetts Daily Collegian ran an article offering some winter skin care do's and don'ts. First, during the winter months it's important to moisturize often. While your African American skin care product may already have an added moisturizer, you want to be stringent about re-hydrating all of the skin on your body, not just your complexion.
"Any kind of cleansing, from showering to simple hand washing, becomes an acolyte in the dark cause of skin-dehydrating when under the evil influence of the dry, wintry air," stated the news source.
Along with moisturizing often, the news provider recommended using products with added SPF, since the sun's UV rays can damage your skin even in winter. In fact, the Mayo Clinic states that snow can reflect these rays, so even if it's cold and cloudy outside you should wear sunscreen on all exposed parts of the body, including using a lip balm with SPF.
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