While many skin conditions such as acne or rosacea can be covered up using African American skin care products, some diseases are a little more complicated. For example, you may have heard of psoriasis, a common disorder that causes skin redness and irritation, did you know there's such a thing as inverse psoriasis?
According to the Mayo Clinic, this form of psoriasis causes smooth patches of red, inflamed skin and is made worse by friction and sweating. Recently, Everyday Health ran an article discussing the causes of and treatment options for this condition.
The news source reports that this condition usually runs in families, but that it's more common in people who are overweight, obese or have deep skin folds. The first signs of inverse psoriasis are deep red patches in skin folds, especially in the armpits and groin.
"The affected skin becomes very tender and is further irritated by sweating and skin rubbing against itself. Sometimes a crease in the center of an inverse psoriasis lesion will crack open, creating the possibility of bleeding or infection," states Everyday Health.
The news provider said that it can be difficult to treat this condition, but there are many topical ointments available to reduce inflammation. Some people use sun lamps, since UVB rays can help soothe psoriasis symptoms. If you believe you may have this condition, it may be time to see the dermatologist.
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