Patches or spots of dark skin known as hyperpigmentation can lead to an uneven skin tone and embarrassment, but they do not usually indicate more serious conditions and are often easily treated with liberal use of sunscreen and fade cream for black skin.
Causes of hyperpigmentation include inflammation, reactions to certain medications and excessive sun exposure. Additionally, hormonal changes - like those experienced during pregnancy - can lead to a condition known as melasma, which manifests itself as patches of darker skin.
Those who experience dark spots may want to consider avoiding the sun and using skin products for black women to even out skin tone.
While hyperpigmentation is not usually the sign of illness, it's important to consult your doctor or dermatologist if discoloration becomes a major concern, if the patches are persistent and unexplained, or if it appears that the spots are actually lesions that change shape or color, since this may be a sign of skin cancer.
By contrast, hypopigmentation occurs when the patches appear to be lighter than the rest of the skin. Causes and treatments are similar to those of hyperpigmentation.
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